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10 Skin Pack Keren Windows 7 Published: 17 06 Author: Andika Riantana Putra Bagi kalian yang bosan dengan tampilan win 7 yang begitu2 saja, disini saayaa akan membagikan skin pack keren yang bisa anda download secara gratis.. This clearly needs a lot of work done, but at least its not another mkp edit thrown out there.. The main menu screen just looks too plain And the eyedol enimation looks too choppy.. All of the character names and portraits appear behind the select screen the vs screen, which is used as a tower (like in umk3) is kinda cool, but plays in between every fight.. AHY UNOS PERSONAJES PRESTADOS POR AMIGOS QUE ESTAN REELLENANDO LAS STAGES SON HECHAS POR EL JUEGO AUN ES BETA Y TIENE MUY POCOS PERSONAJES QUE TENGAN CALIDAD LOS SPRITES ME LOS BENEFICIO UN AMIGO (EVIL) Y TODO EL DEMAS TRABAJO QUE VA DESDE EL SCREEN PACK A LOS CHARS ES MIO (EXEPTO LIFEBARS) LA TORRE DE BATALLA EN MUEGEN AUN ES UN MISTERIO HACI QUE LA TENDRE QUE SACAR PRONTO Y BUENO MUCHAS GRASIAS BIEN SI QUIEREN USAR UNO DE LOS PERSONAJES SELECCIONABLES PIDANME PERMISO Y CONVERSANDO YO SE LOS PRESTO BAJO MI PERMISO.. Seen some stages that are made by other authors cant even see what stage you are picking.. Should have uploaded it somewhere else After i downloaded the 3 char files it said i reached my limit, and to wait 27 more min.. Same with the ki chars Some of the mk chars arent his Pneophen's ermac and raiden characters.. Fighter Conversions: Game Fighters: Black Orchid: Fulgore: Kofelsalvador10th, Kofelsalvador10th + Werewood; Gargos: Emmanuel Dewi; Glacius: The_None; Jago: Orbinaut; Kim Wu: Orbinaut; Maya: Sabrewulf: Orbinaut; Spinal: Orbinaut; T.. When you go into any fighting mode, p1s cursor starts at the top left and p2 starts at the bottom right.. Berjumpa lagi dengan admin blog Putuberbagi yang pada kali ini membagikan Kumpulan SkinPack Keren Terbaru Untuk Windows 7/8/8.. The intro is really good up untill it shows the mk trilogy intro That needs some work.. GameTrailers is your destination to see official trailers first Amigos, if you like Killer Instinct you can found chars here: The author of Gargos I kn.. Omegapsycho's shao kahn motaro Chameleon, liu kang I wouldnt even really call this a beta.. This clearly needs a lot of work done, but at least its not another mkp edit thrown out there.. J Combo: Tusk: Orbinaut Stages, Screenpacks & Addons: Stages: Killer Instinct Mugen Characters DownloadAHY UNOS PERSONAJES PRESTADOS POR AMIGOS QUE ESTAN REELLENANDO LAS STAGES SON HECHAS POR EL JUEGO AUN ES BETA Y TIENE MUY POCOS PERSONAJES QUE TENGAN CALIDAD LOS SPRITES ME LOS BENEFICIO UN AMIGO (EVIL) Y TODO EL DEMAS TRABAJO QUE VA DESDE EL SCREEN PACK A LOS CHARS ES MIO (EXEPTO LIFEBARS) LA TORRE DE BATALLA EN MUEGEN AUN ES UN MISTERIO HACI QUE LA TENDRE QUE SACAR PRONTO Y BUENO MUCHAS GRASIAS BIEN SI QUIEREN USAR UNO DE LOS PERSONAJES SELECCIONABLES PIDANME PERMISO Y CONVERSANDO YO SE LOS PRESTO BAJO MI PERMISO.. Same with the ki chars Some of the mk chars arent his Pneophen's ermac and raiden characters.. When you go into any fighting mode, p1s cursor starts at the top left and p2 starts at the bottom right.. It doesnt even come with the mugen exe!Killer Instinct Mugen Characters DownloadSo you pretty much have to go download mugen, then install all of this.. Seen some stages that are made by other authors cant even see what stage you are picking.. Daripada saya buat Skin pack keren buat windows 7 Download Kumpulan Tema Windows 7/8/8.. Yay *edit* this is stupid, you only get 2-3 downloads per hour? *edit 2* okay, well after all that nonsense, ive finally got it all.. All the chars look good, but the ki models dont match up with the mk ones Id just go with either ki or mk instead of crossing them over in this, just doesnt feel right.. Should have uploaded it somewhere else After i downloaded the 3 char files it said i reached my limit, and to wait 27 more min.. All of the character names and portraits appear behind the select screen the vs screen, which is used as a tower (like in umk3) is kinda cool, but plays in between every fight.. Omegapsycho's shao kahn motaro Chameleon, liu kang I wouldnt even really call this a beta.. All the chars look good, but the ki models dont match up with the mk ones Id just go with either ki or mk instead of crossing them over in this, just doesnt feel right.. 1 Super Keren - Kalong Ganteng Link Download Chromium Skin Pack for Windows 7 and 8.. Cara Buat link Download dari It doesnt even come with the mugen exe! So you pretty much have to go download mugen, then install all of this.. Killer Instinct Mugen Character Downloads Super Killer Instinct, play Killer Instinct, Killer Instinct for SNES, play Killer Instinct ROM for SNES, play Killer Instinct online, Killer Instinct game rom for Super.. A lot of the mk chars are barely done Sounds and moves are missing and some like subzero appear to have code swaps from other characters.. A lot of the mk chars are barely done Sounds and moves are missing and some like subzero appear to have code swaps from other characters.. Yay *edit* this is stupid, you only get 2-3 downloads per hour? *edit 2* okay, well after all that nonsense, ive finally got it all.. Im looking forward to this, so keep it up, and get a lil more done before the next release.. The main menu screen just looks too plain And the eyedol enimation looks too choppy.. The intro is really good up untill it shows the mk trilogy intro That needs some work.